Earn with CollegeBatch-Write Reviews & Earn ₹100

Updated On: Posted By: Prashant Sharma


Are you a college student looking to make some extra cash while sharing your experiences? Look no further than CollegeBatch.com’s Review & Earn offer! In this article, we’ll explore how you can easily earn ₹100 by simply writing a review about your college experience.

About CollegeBatch.com: Guiding Your College Journey

CollegeBatch.com is more than just a website; it’s a platform designed to assist students in navigating the complexities of college selection. Whether you’re pondering over different courses or contemplating the ideal college fit, CollegeBatch.com aims to streamline this process for you.

By submitting reviews of your college experience, you’re not only earning rewards but also providing invaluable insights to prospective students. Your honest opinions can greatly influence someone’s decision-making process, helping them choose the right path for their future.

How to Submit Your Review & Claim Your Reward

Earn with CollegeBatch-Write Reviews & Earn ₹100
  1. Visit CollegeBatch.com Review & Earn Page: Click on the provided link to access the Review & Earn section of CollegeBatch.com.
  2. Provide Your Details: Enter your full name, email address, and mobile number to get started.
  3. Select Your College and Course: Choose your college, course, and course year from the options provided.
  4. Share Your Experience: Write a detailed review based on your personal experiences with the selected course and college. Remember to be honest and provide useful information that can help others.
  5. Submit Your Review: Once you’ve filled out all the necessary details, submit your review for consideration.
  6. Verification Process: Your review will undergo a verification process, which may take between 3-15 working days depending on the volume of submissions.
  7. Provide Your UPI ID: Upon successful review approval, provide your UPI ID to receive your ₹100 cash reward directly in your account.

Tips for Writing an Effective Review

  • Be Honest: Share genuine experiences and opinions to provide accurate insights.
  • Be Detailed: Include specific details about the course, college, and your overall experience.
  • Avoid Plagiarism: Refrain from copying content from the internet; original reviews are valued.
  • Maintain Professionalism: Use proper language and avoid slang or abusive words.
  • Verify Personal Details: Ensure that your personal information is accurate and verifiable.
Earn with CollegeBatch-Write Reviews & Earn ₹100


With CollegeBatch.com’s Review & Earn offer, you have the opportunity to earn cash while helping others make informed decisions about their academic journey. So why wait? Start writing your review today and unlock the potential to earn rewards while making a difference in someone’s life. Remember, honesty is key, and your insights can shape someone’s future.